Andy Bannister

Four Key Principles for Apologetics – Andy Bannister


In 1 Peter 3:15-16, Peter offers this advice to Christians who want to share the incredible news of what Jesus has done: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. The phrase “give an [...]

Four Key Principles for Apologetics – Andy Bannister2019-06-18T14:50:51+01:00

Christianity in Scotland: New crossings – Andy Bannister


After a recent talk I had given at Aberdeen University on “The Evidence for the Resurrection” a student approached me and asked if I had a moment. As we chatted, he explained how he had been raised in a Christian home, but had abandoned his faith as a teenager because he had concluded that faith, [...]

Christianity in Scotland: New crossings – Andy Bannister2019-06-18T14:36:22+01:00
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