Each Sunday the whole church family joins together for the start of the service and after the children’s talk the children head out for their own activities. Singing, games, quizzes, drama and crafts are all used to teach Gods word in a fun and safe environment. Visitors are always welcome!
Our children’s groups are divided by age as follows and supervised by volunteers from within the congregation with full PVG disclosure:
- Crèche (age 0-3)
- Pre-school Sunday school (age 4-P1)
- Junior Sunday school (P2-P4)
- Senior Sunday school (P5-P7)
St. Peter’s offers a Sunday morning crèche for parents/guardians who have babies and toddlers every Sunday morning throughout the year. We also have sofas at the back of the church for nursing mothers, and a small library where parents can feed or look after very young children and also listen to the sermon.
Sunday School
We have three age groups of classes for Sunday school as explained above. Each class has a main teacher and assistant. Sunday School is run on Sunday mornings during term time. Parents are more than welcome to take their children through and wait until they are settled before leaving.
Youth (S1-S6)